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1st Colwall Scout Group

1st Colwall Scout Group -

Scouting aims to develop the physical, social, intellectual and spiritual potential of young people through a broad and far-reaching programme of activities.

It is run by volunteers who are trained and supported by the worldwide scout movement.

Opportunities for children and adults are wide-ranging and might include: cooking on fires, hiking, camping, visiting police and fire stations, zorbing, grass-boarding, crafts, map-reading, helping in the community, pond dipping, trips abroad, games, halloween sleepovers, planning and expedition, swimming, skating, astronomy, bat-watching, visiting local places of worship, meeting people from the community such as dentists and doctors, first aid, football, tennis, climbing … these are all things that Colwall scouts of different ages have done or are doing over the next year.

Please contact the group via a form on the website