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Malvern Dowsers

15 May 2024

Malvern Dowsers' guest on Wednesday 20th March is the healer and singer-songwriter Keith Forrest. Keith will explain how the energies of the modern world can impact on both our physical and mental wellbeing and what we can do about this on a daily basis. The talk will be punctuated by a few of Keith's songs and conclude with a healing meditation. 

On Wednesday 17th April, the Dowsers welcome Maria Wheatley, an experiential archaeologist, who will explore her own research on burial rites and ancient sites.

On Wednesday 15th May Malvern Dowsers' guest speaker will be poet, photographer and designer, Phil Cope.

Focussing on sites on both sides of the Welsh border, Phil will look at sacred wells, spas and springs, including the traditional characteristics of a holy well, the physical composition of natural water from the earth and the journey of the water itself.

The talk in the church hall behind Christ Church on Avenue Road begins at 7.30pm, with tea and coffee from 7pm. Entry for visitors is £5.

For more details, email

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