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Oxfam Volunteers Needed in Shop in Malvern

Oxfam is an international aid and development charity, working and campaigning with partners in over 90 countries worldwide. Their shops raise funds for emergency responses, development work and to fight poverty.

The Oxfam Shop on Church Street in Malvern is currently appealing for new volunteers to join the team. The shop is due to open seven days a week so volunteers will now be needed on Sundays as well as other days of the week.
The volunteer roles available include: sorting & pricing clothing, home wares & books; unpacking & pricing new goods; serving customers in the shop (using a computerised till) and placing items of clothing onto the dedicated Oxfam Online Site. This involves photographing the items and entering detailed descriptions. Volunteers choose which role they would like to do.

No previous retail experience is required. The minimum age is 14 (with permission from parents until 18). There is no upper age limit. Short-term or long-term involvement will be welcomed and in-shop training will be provided. Please bear in mind that two references will be required, following an informal chat.

For further information please contact Kay Bromley,  or by mobile - 07510 012092. You are also welcome to call in the shop to request an application form, please mention the ‘All About Malvern’ magazine.