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Wyche and Colwall Horticultural Society

t: Helen: 07971 522891

Colwall Village Hall, Colwall, WR13 6EQ

Wyche and Colwall Horticultural Society -

There is a busy programme of events this year including garden visits, a question-time event and talks that include 'Within These Walls', looking at the mysteries of kitchen gardening.

Meetings take place on the first Monday of the month at Colwall Village Hall.  We pride ourselves upon the friendly atmosphere at our meetings and other events. There is an Annual Membership and non-members are very welcome along at a small cost.

Refreshments served before meetings, so come early to make/meet friends and discuss your gardening interests and problems. We have experienced and knowledgeable gardeners in our midst who are happy to answer questions.

More details can be found on our website.